Health and Wellness

Snoring and Sleeping: Things You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea

There are a lot of people that thinks snoring is a funny habit, and mostly, they feel embarrassed about it. However, a loud snoring then is accompanied with daytime drowsiness can be apparent symptoms of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a disorder that the breathing frequently starts and stops as a person sleep. Also, people with sleep apnea often feels tired during the day. It also affects the mood of an individual and its relationship with their partner. The worst thing is, sleep apnea is dangerous to a person’s health.

However, there are a lot of things that can be done to achieve a better sleep at night and to have a better mood the next day. First, stop hiding in the cabinets and let go of the embarrassed feeling for snoring.


Deeper Understanding


So, what is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is possibly a severe sleep disorder in which the breathing frequently starts and stops. If a person snores loudly and feels exhausted even after a good night’s sleep, then they probably have sleep apnea.


The three types of Sleep Apnea:


  1. Obstructive

It is the kind of sleep apnea that usually occurs when some tissues at the back part of the throat relax during sleep. The airway is clog which often is the cause of snoring loudly.


  1. Central

It is the less common kind compared to obstructive. Central sleep apnea often involves the nervous system mainly the central part. It occurs if the brain fails to give a signal to the muscles to control breathing. Those people who are affected by central sleep apnea doesn’t snore often.


  1. Complex

This type is a combination of both sleep apnea stated above.


The Symptoms and Signs of Sleep Apnea

It is hard to recognize sleep apnea since most of its symptoms occur only at night when a person is asleep. Here are some signs of sleep apnea, that often overlaps on what type it is.


  • Loud snoring. It is usually more eminent to people with obstructive sleep apnea.
  • There are episodes of breathing halting in the middle of sleep which others witnessed.
  • A sudden awakening in the midst of the night while having shortness of breath.
  • If a person wakes up in the morning suffering a sore throat or dry mouth.
  • Attention retention problems.
  • Daytime excessive sleepiness and fatigue even after a full night sleep.
  • Sudden change in mood and often feels depressed or irritated.


The Causes

There are a lot of causes of sleep apnea. For obstructive sleep apnea, it usually occurs if the tongue and throat relax while the person is sleeping. Then partially or completely blocks the airway.

If a person stops breathing or reduced the flow of air into the lungs while sleeping, it causes the decrease of oxygen in the blood. Another reason for obstructive sleep apnea is when a person has enlarged tissues or bone deformities in throat, or mouth.

For central sleep apnea, it usually happens if the brain fails to relay signals to the breathing muscles. It means that the person makes no effort in breathing for a short period. It can be the cause the person wakes up in the middle of the night with shortness of breath.


The Risk Factor of Acquiring Sleep Apnea

Everyone has a possibility of being affected by sleep apnea, even children. However, certain factors increase the risking of having sleep apnea:


  • Excess weight, people who are obese have a higher risk of acquiring sleep apnea compared to ordinary citizens.
  • There is a disadvantage of being a male, due to an increased risk of men acquiring sleep apnea. However, women can have a higher risk if they are overweight.
  • Old age, sleep apnea occurs to people when they get older.
  • Excessive smoking. A smoker usually has a higher risk of sleep apnea because smoking increases the amount of fluid retention and inflammation in the airway.
  • Nasal congestion. If a person is having difficulties in breathing due to allergies or other problems, they are more likely prone of sleep apnea.
  • People that have a history of stroke.
  • People with congestive heart failure are at risk.
  • People that uses narcotic pain medications.


The Possible Complications


  • Sleep apnea is a critical medical condition. Here are some of the possible complications:
  • Always suffers daytime fatigue. The sudden feeling of waking up in the middle of the night destroys a normal sleeping habit. Those who have sleep apnea always experience daytime exhaustion and drowsiness. People with sleep apnea have a higher risk of vehicle accidents.
  • There is a development of diabetes. There is a sudden development of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance for people who suffers sleep apnea.
  • Mostly like to acquire liver problems. Those with the sleep disorder will mostly likely have abnormal results on liver function tests. Usually, the signs will show that their livers have scars. A condition that is commonly known as the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  • High blood pressure or heart problems. Due to the sudden drop of oxygen blood level, blood pressure increases and it strains the cardiovascular system. There is a high-risk blood pressure of hypertension if the person has obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Metabolic syndrome. The medical condition can lead to different heart diseases. The list of conditions that makes up the metabolic syndrome is high blood sugar, increased waist circumference, high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol.
  • To have complications with medications and surgery. If a person has obstructive sleep apnea, that individual will face concerns in general anesthesia and other certain medications. It will most likely affect any significant operations or surgeries because of the breathing problem especially when put under sedation and lying on their backs. It is advisable that before having a surgery inform the doctor about having sleep apnea.
  • They will have a sleep-deprived partner. People who have sleep apnea will most likely bring discomfort to their partners. Due to the loud snoring, it will prevent the partner to have a good rest. Usually, the partners of people with the sleep disorder are sleep deprived.


The Self Treatments or Home Treatments

Self-treatments are possible for people with obstructive sleep apnea. However, their lifestyle and sleeping habits need to change.


Changes in Sleeping Habit

  • Avoid sleeping on the back. To eliminate mild sleep apnea, sleeping on the side will be helpful.
  • Sleep on your side. Try to avoid sleeping on the back that makes it more likely for the tongue and tissues to block the airway. Some people only experience sleep apnea when sleeping on their back.
  • Prop your head up. Elevating the head of the bed by four to six inches, or elevating the body from the waist up with a use of a special cervical pillow or foam wedge. Adjust and raise the head part of the bed. The cervical pillow will help the head stay in a position that will reduce sleep apnea. While using regular pillows to raise the head will not work.
  • Try opening the nasal passages during night time. Saline spray and nasal dilator can be a great help.
  • Keep the muscles tighten to keep the mouth close. Biting a pen in between the teeth or trying to chew gum until the jaw hurts.


Lifestyle Change

  • Must lose excess weight. To the obese people, even a little loss in weight can help relieve tightness of the throat. There are cases that if the body goes back to being healthy, the sleep apnea goes into a sudden cancellation. However, if the person gains weight again, the sleep apnea will come back.
  • Have a regular exercise. Exercising on a regular basis helps lessen possible symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. It is better to have a routine of exercise every day, maybe like a 30-minute jog or a brisk walk.
  • Try to avoid alcohol and other certain medications. Avoiding certain medications like tranquilizers and sleeping pills can help relax the muscle in the back of the throat which interferes with the breathing.
  • Try to avoid alcohol and other certain medications. Avoiding certain medications like tranquilizers and sleeping pills can help relax the muscle in the back of the throat which interferes with the breathing.
  • Avoid smoking. Smokers must quit because it can worsen obstructive sleep apnea.


The Available Drugs and Treatments

Even if the doctors do not suggest about taking any medicine to treat obstructive sleep apnea, children with mild sleep apnea is allowed to take intranasal corticosteroid medication if a surgery didn’t work or can not take place

Also, the medicine can help in reducing daytime drowsiness if Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is decreasing the times the person stops breathing.



Don’t try to hide the fact that snoring is part of the night routine. However, some of the cases can already lead to sleep apnea. To be able to know the causes, symptoms, risks, the possible complication, and the available treatment, it will bring knowledge and awareness to everyone.

If the following symptoms stated above applies to a particular person that you know or to yourself, then it is better to tell them to see a doctor. Do not take snoring lightly because it might lead to a severe sleep disorder.

Alyssa Mason Prout is a budding writer, a health enthusiast, and a blogger. Alyssa likes to write and often contributes articles to Focus on Furniture. She spends her time taking care of her backyard vegetable garden and succulents.

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