Girlfriends of Culture

5 Women Hairstyles for Workouts

By: Rachel

In my blog titled Black Girls Workout Too I briefly discussed that hair was a factor that kept 40% of Black women from wanting to workout. Sweating out your hair and having to style it for hours after working out is a hassle, especially when you are busy woman. As Black women our hair is our crown; it says so much about ourselves through the various hairstyles that we wear.

Most that know me understand that I like to change my hair every two months; from braids, to bobs, to dying my hair different colors I have literally done it all. Since fitness will forever be a part of my life I think it is important to wear hairstyles that can still look cute after going hard from a workout. HAIR is one thing that should never stop you from reaching your fitness goals, so myself and four of my friends shared how to wear fitness-friendly hairstyles while working out.

Rachel Scruggs, CPT/Owner of Fit 29

img_0768I love to change my hair. Sometimes I will wear a sew-in and a few weeks later I’m ready to take it down and wear my curls as I am a natural girl. Ultimately, when working out any hairstyle that is out of my face works for me. Currently, I’ve been wearing my hair in braids because they’re easy to manage. One thing I will note about braids is that whenever you’re squatting they can be annoying on your back, but other than that I love them. It is also important that whoever is doing your braids doesn’t pull your edges too tight when braiding the front part of your hair. That is one area where I have seen major breakage and you have to save your edges (LOL)! There are so many different ways to wear braids whether at the gym or work. You can wear them half up/half down, all down, braid your braids into a fish tail braid, or even put it all up into a high bun. The versatility with braids is a major reason why I wear them. Oiling your scalp and washing your hair once a week with help your braids to last a long time.





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