Travel and More

The Best of Culture: Where To Go In Brazil

By: Rachel Minahan

Brazil, one of the twenty-one leading countries in Latin America, offers beautiful beaches, historical and cultural quarters, and a wilderness landscape for you to explore and discover. Moreover, Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world.


Because of its vastness, an unforgettable holiday is ideal for this destination. Brazil is a combination of many cultures from peoples who are African, Indigenous, and Portuguese. The better way to understand the practices and tradition of Brazil is to immerse yourself in the country’s colorful culture and absorb it.


You can plan a trip that will both serve as a cultural and educational journey as well as a holiday break. You can either stay in a hotel, motel, pousadas, resort, jungle lodge or camping site.


Brazil offers a broad range of hotels for you to choose from. You can select from different hotels that provide a variety of services such as a nice, cozy bed with a clean comfort room. If you are planning on going to the wild, you can pitch in any camping sites available in Brazil.


Since Brazil is also known for its beautiful beaches, you can stay in one of its popular resorts. On the other hand, if you are planning to explore Pantanal or the Amazon there are purpose-built jungle lodges available for your stay.


Learn The Brazilian Way

Brazilians are hospitable people and great hosts. They have good character and intimate social relations. Because of its various cultures, Brazilians have high regard for all other cultural differences.


Unlike other countries, there is a harmonious relationship between cultures, beliefs, and religions in Brazil. Despite the disparity between one place to the other, Brazilians always recognize one another and are ready to provide help. They are interested in learning other cultures and are curious and open to peoples of other foreign backgrounds.


There is nothing better than staying right at the home of a Brazilian family or friend. It’s also a good idea to go to a bed-and-breakfast inn to savor the genuine and authenticity of Brazilian hospitality.


Speak In Brazilian Portuguese

Brazilian Portuguese is the language often used to speak and write by most Brazilians. The Amerindian hugely influenced the Brazilian Portuguese language. Moreover, it has traces of Asian and African languages.


What better way is there than to understand and experience the culture of Brazil by learning its language? If you want to engage in conversation with a Brazilian, you’ll need to learn basic Brazilian Portuguese so as to convey what you want to say and to understand what the local are telling you.


The Popular Samba Dance


One of the traditional dances in Brazil is the Samba Dance. The Samba dance is both a musical genre and dance that originated in Bahia, Brazil. Before, slaves in Brazil danced to invoke their gods, and that became a form of expressing freedom.


In Rio, you can find many schools that teach Samba and compete annually in Carnival. Today, Samba is prominently part of the Brazilian identity.


Delicious Brazilian Cuisine


There are many delicious Brazilian cuisines. Feijoada is the Brazilian national dish which is typically made of Portuguese stew of beans, beef, sausage and pork parts cooked in a pot and served with rice. Moqueca is also a famous Brazilian seafood stew which is made up of garlic, tomatoes, onions, and cilantro.


The Brazilian Nightlife

Brazil is also known for its parties such as the very grand Carnival celebration, one of the biggest parties in the world. You can feel and experience more of the culture and tradition of Brazil by venturing in the Brazilian nightlife. Brazil offers different party experiences such as minarets, raves, and baile funk.




No one can deny the beauty and stunning beaches, wildlife, historical and cultural diversity brought by the fifth largest country in the world, Brazil. Brazilians have good character and are creative and respectful. Because of their high regard for culture differences, Brazilians recognize and respect all other culture, religion, and belief.


A trip to Brazil to learn more about their food, dance, culture and tradition, all of which make Brazil unforgettable, is worth the holiday. To get a sense of the Brazilians’ friendly and cheerful nature, and to have a genuine taste of Brazilian culture and tradition, venture out and experience the local life of Brazil.

Author Bio

Rachel Minahan is a furniture collector by heart and an interior designer by profession. She loves collecting vintage furniture such as bedside tables, bed frames, and even wooden chairs. When she’s in her leisure time, she checks furniture shops online to seek inspiration for her projects anywhere in the world. Despite her busy schedule, she still manages to write some articles about dream houses and topics about lifestyle.

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