A strong supporter of Colin Kaepernick, Ava DuVernay is now developing a comedy series with the NFL star based on his high...
“It can happen to you…” – Rushion McDonald “Guilty Until Proven Innocent” is pretty much the standard in our 2018 criminal justice...
Based on the true story of one of the most notorious and unsolved cases in recent time, CITY OF LIES is a provocative thriller...
We are back with Episode 2 of The Video Unpack where we breakdown the latest videos in the culture. Our guest episode...
Cast members of Dear White People stop by The Breakfast Club to talk about their journey , race situations, dating , and...
Serena Williams today shares the official trailer for her new HBO documentary series, Being Serena. Beginning May 2, the five-part project will...
Soul Purpose, a Dallas-based stage play, written by Chericia Curtis and T.K. Henderson, and produced by seven-time best-selling author and award-winning international...
By : Shadow and Act Hidden Figures will have a new life! After getting the big screen treatment, a scripted television series based...
By : Jennifer Maas Mass Appeal and Netflix are billing their new docuseries “Rapture” as a project that “stares directly into the bright...
NYC – Comedic Personality JustLatasha Writes, Directs, and Produces the comedy web series Sit Black & Relax. The series premiered Monday, March...
by Mia Galuppo Carmichael will adapt Dan’s upcoming memoir that chronicles his life as the godfather of hip-hop fashion. The life of...
By: Lauren Johnson Adweek: How did you land the gig as the host of HQ Trivia? Scott Rogowsky: I’ve been doing comedy...