Culture Supplier News

Trump’s the President Elect, Now What?!

By : Alexandria

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Alright, now one of the largest events of the year is over. A lot of people are left in a state of utter shock. Many are feeling distraught, angry, saddened, and awestruck. *Rolls eyes* Feelings and emotions are running high all across my social media platforms. Teachers are leading their classrooms full of young students of all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds. Children who feel and mimic their parent’s distress are calling out in panic wondering what the tangible future will resemble for them.  My friends and associates are returning to work side-eyeing some of their co-workers. You may even participate in heated discussions about what the future of America will look like four years from now at the next presidential campaign. Some of you may choose to admit that there is a general spirit of fear that is looming over the United States. This fear is thick and heavy. This fear can be seen, in some instances, like a vapor of smoke or in the gaze others may give one another.  As Christians, you may be wondering what The Lord is up to. As believers, it is our duty to stay focused. We have nothing to fear, except for The Lord. As the faithful, you may be asking yourself what you should do now.

This morning, as the results of the new President elect, flooded my timeline, I couldn’t help but to seek refuge in the only place I knew that I could find true peace. As I was literally on the brink of tears, I immediately prayed that God would calm my heart and I ravaged my Bible looking for a scripture to affirm that “we gon’ be alright” (Kendrick Lamar’s voice). After reading a few scriptures, I believe I found a remedy to my heart’s unrest. These are the four things that I will use to answer the question of Tump’s up, now what? God wants us to not be afraid, find solace in His everlasting power, show love, and practice good judgement.


Practice Self-Discipline

With racial tensions reaching a nation-wide high and the war on police brutality relevant, we must continuously guard our hearts against threats to our peace of mind and overall well-being. You cannot practice self-discipline without, first, being self-aware. In order to be self-aware you must have a foundation of good judgement. In order to have a foundation of good judgement, you must plant your heart and mind within the pages of the Bible. It is time to stop assuming what will happen and find the answers that we are in search of. The search ends with passages in the Bible. There will be moments were the ignorant may judge you, pass on unwarranted bias and attempt to sabotage you and your legacy.  This exact moment is when you need to practice self-discipline. Discipline yourself to turn the pages to what God would want you to do in response to an ugly or unpromising situation.  We also must practice good judgement by ensuring that our voices, our needs, and our requests are made known in our local communities. Discipline yourself to log off of social media and adjust your focus and energy. The real work is in pouring back into our own generation and the lives of those to come for hopes of a better future.


give love freely

God wants us to give love freely. The only way that we can expect to receive love is first to be givers of it. One of the biggest instructions by God is to love our neighbors. He didn’t say love your neighbors as long as they voted for Hilary. He didn’t say love your neighbors as long as they love you back and respect you. God didn’t say love your neighbors only if they hold the same world views as you do. He commanded us to love! There are numerous ways to portray love that are beyond saying I love you to a complete stranger. When a person does or says something insensitive, pray that they will be corrected in their ways. Practice patience with those who chose to remain ignorant of issues outside of their small world. Forgive those who chose to demean or judge you due to your skin color or who you chose to support in the election. Help a stranger in need even if they don’t look like you. Pray for your politicians. Most of all pray for Donald Trump and all those in His cabinet.


harness God’s power

Find refuge and peace knowing that God has the power and forever will hold that power effortlessly in His hands. As a “nation under God”, isn’t it time to live that out? God has the power to fulfill His will. Whatever His will may be, we must trust that everything that happens is crafted on purpose, for a purpose. God has the power to free, to open the eyes of the blind, and rise up the oppressed. We know that God holds the power to protect, to help and to curve the plans of the wicked. (Psalm 146: 7-9)In the next four years we may face more hate crimes, covert prejudice in the work place, though economic times. We may face more barriers on the journey to living our passion. Through God’s power we will be made victorious no matter what our enemy looks like. If God has the power to create the universe, you must also believe that He has the power to grant a victory in what seems to be the dead of night.


Fear the Lord

This fear is not the type of fear where if you slip up you need to be afraid of God’s rash judgment on your life. This fear means to respect God and all who He is. Be reverent to Him. Obey Him simply because of who He is. This fear talks about Christians being awestruck by God’s promises and ability. You will be fearful if you don’t have faith. This is the only type of fear that we should allow in our lives. Use this political climate as the opportunity to increase your faith. By fearing the Lord, we will willingly submit to His will and His way whether we understand what God is doing or if His plan for us is unclear. In fearing the Lord, we can surrender our own fears to Him. God wants us to cast His cares on Him. Give Him what is weighing us down. Obey the Lord in all that you do. If there is any type of fear, choose to fear the Lord. This means not to fear the future. Do not fear politics. Do not fear the “elite” or the majority. Don’t even fear the mentality of others. Be captivated by God’s mystery. Hold fast and let Him handle the rest.



“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul.”

Deuteronomy 10:12

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