Health and Wellness

7 Foods To Help With Bloating

By : Cathy White

Bloating is a bothersome problem that most people have dealt with from time to time. This problem can be caused by gas, fluid retention, or dehydration. Bloating can also be brought about when food is not fully digested.

Bloating makes us feel uncomfortable in our clothes and can go hand in hand with other digestive upsets. Try adding some of these natural bloat-busters to your diet and see how much better you feel.

  1. Ginger

Ginger has been a valued medicinal plant for thousands of years. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help it calm the stomach and digestive system. Ginger works in part because it has a digestive enzyme, zingibain, that helps the body break down protein.

Ginger root can help the body with digestive action and promote passing of gas. Gingerols present in the root can also help relieve abdominal pain from bloating. Try it in a warm cup of tea after dinner or whenever you feel bloated.

  1. Bananas

One of the major causes of bloating is sodium retention. Bananas contain beneficial levels of potassium, which helps sodium leave your body.

Bananas are a soothing food and easy to digest for most people. They can calm the stomach and help to prevent constipation by providing healthy soluble fiber. While bananas are beneficial, be cautioned that an overripe banana can actually increase bloating.

  1. Melons

Melons of all types, as well as cucumbers, help ward off bloating. Since they contain 90% water, these fruits are especially effective against dehydration. Melons are a natural diuretic, allowing your body to flush excess sodium and fluid by producing more urine.

Like bananas, melons and cucumbers contain potassium for bloating relief. Eat plenty of melon in the summer to make you feel better about getting into a bathing suit.

  1. Pineapple

Pineapple’s bloat-busting capabilities come from a digestive enzyme, bromelain. This enzyme helps the body digest protein and encourages digestive function. Foods containing bromelain have been used as digestive aids for centuries.

Like melons, pineapples have an extremely high water content per cup, combating dehydration. Let the sweet flavor and unique texture of pineapple lead you to mealtime inspiration.

  1. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is a time-tested herb with many digestive benefits. A hot cup of peppermint tea before or after a meal can help prevent bloating. Mint is a mild muscle relaxant which helps soothe the cramping related to digestive gas.

Peppermint tea mildly suppresses the appetite, making it easier to stick to your healthy diet plan. It is also effective against tension headaches and as a decongestant. People with reflux are cautioned to use peppermint with care, since it can inflame the esophagus.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a bright yellow spice traditionally found in Indian cooking. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, works on the gallbladder and helps it produce bile. Bile helps your body break down food.

Turmeric is also an effective anti-inflammatory substance. It helps the muscles in the digestive tract relax to better expel intestinal gas.

Turmeric is used in savory soups, stews, and curries. For everyday use, dietitians recommend mixing it with honey and hot milk.

  1. Fennel Seeds

Fennel is another culinary spice used to combat bloating. Fennel seeds have been used in India for centuries with a handful chewed after a heavy meal. Fennel contains several active compounds like estragole, anethone, and fenchone. These compounds are anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, helping to relax muscles and encourage digestion.

With these natural foods on your side, it is possible to prevent or alleviate digestive bloating. These foods help your body break down protein and flush excess sodium.

While looking for ways to soothe bloating, it is also important to take preventive steps. Make sure you eat a healthy diet and stay well-hydrated. Too many salty or fatty foods may cause bloating.

Use spices like turmeric and fennel on your food instead of salt and work on two causes of bloating at once. Both your stomach and your clothes will be happier.

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