Health and Wellness

8 Foods That Can Make You Happy

By: Krima Flint

Who doesn’t want to be happy? And what if the cuisine that you take provides you with happiness and good mood! Sometimes, it may happen that the food you like may provide you with peace, stability, and tranquility of the mind. I am sure that many of you must be feeling happier when you bite into the cup of ice cream or a plate of green salad.

Have a look at the foods that are blessed with constituents that will lift your spirits along with your mood.


The fishes, especially Salmon are an amazing source of nutrition along with happiness. The key reason for this is due to the higher amount of Omega-3, which helps to boost your mood and help you to get rid of depression and its symptoms.

In case, if you don’t like fish, then you can also get your hands on the capsules containing fish oil for the requirement of your daily dose of Omega-3.

2.Dark Chocolate

Rejoicing news for Choc-o-holics! The Chocolate is famous for enhancing and maintaining the good hormones that are required for your good mood. The group of chemicals present in the dark chocolates i.e. N-acyclethanoloamine is responsible for stimulation of the channels in the brains. This would enable the brains to release endorphins which are beneficial for pain relieving and pleasure feeling.

3.Vitamin-D Fortified Milk

If you add this item in your list for enhancing your mood, then you will also have abundant supply of nutrients. Milk contains iodine, which is crucial element for stimulating the level of Thyroid hormone in the blood. The hormones secreted by the Thyroid gland is responsible for maintaining the entire the body’s functions, your mood inclusive.

Also, the Whey Protein present in milk is said to alleviate anxiety. So it is necessary to drink milk regularly for good mood.


Coconuts contain high level of triglycerides that help to keep your mood healthy and promote the healthiness of brain as well. But Beware! Coconut Milk and desserts are considered to be quite unhealthy. The best bet for you will be coconut shavings or natural pieces of coconut.


If you have a sweet tooth, then honey would be perfect for getting your good mood again. Honey contains kaempferol and quercetin which are responsible for reducing the inflammation in your blood. As a result, it helps in reducing the effects of depression and anxiety. It also has an impact on the blood-sugar level, implying that there won’t be any sudden sugar fault, resulting in less tiredness.


It is more important to note that the whole grains are far better options available as compared to the foods that contain carbohydrates. So it is always advisable that you stick to multi grain or wholesome grains, brown or Basmati rice.

7.Walnuts and Flax

Loaded with Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), the Walnuts and Flax are maintains the levels of inflammation which in turn helps to lower the depression and its symptoms. If you have low levels of ALA, then it leads to the decrease in the level of dopamine which is responsible for the feelings of joy and happiness, and serotonin, which is responsible for aggression and anger.


Women who consume two to three days of coffee in a day are 15% less likely to become a victim of depression and those who drink for, or more cups are at t20% lower risk. The coffee beans consist of the caffeine – a psychoactive drug that shoots up the level of dopamine and serotonin hormones in the human blood, hence leading to a happy mood.

This is a summary that helps you to maintain your good mood. There are also many food items that will help to make you happy but make sure that you consume healthy food regularly.

Author bio:

Krima Flint is a Health and beauty addict who blogs also at CouponsMonk. She likes diet plans because it delivers portion-control food. Also Fitness conscious. She is the type of geek who loves to write beauty hacks and skin care tips also. Creating vision for health-oriented beauty.

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