Health and Wellness

What You Need To Know To Boost Your Metabolism

Some people naturally have a slower metabolism than others. Some have slowed their own metabolism down after years of undereating. Whatever the reason you think your metabolism is slow, there are things you can do to speed it up.

Read on to find out how:

Drink Matcha Tea

While diet teas and things can be damaging to the system in the long run, matcha tea is actually the most powerful green tea a person can drink. It’s a great replacement for coffee if you struggle to focus, and you should find that you don’t get the jitters with it. Monks have been drinking it for years! It’s said to be as powerful as 10 or more regular green teas when it comes to boosting the metabolism.


You can’t magically speed up your metabolism with tea and things alone. You’re going to have to get your body moving. You don’t need to exercise so intensely that you don’t enjoy it. Simply do something you enjoy a few times a week, and aim to get more steps in. 8000-10,000 is a good amount to aim for. In no time, your metabolism should speed up.

Supplement The Right Way

There are a few supplements you can take that can help you to speed up your metabolism. However, you need to be careful that you’re not buying into rubbish – raspberry ketones, for example. Instead, you want to stay as natural as possible with things like collagen. The infographic below talks more about collagen and the benefits it can have for those who take it:



credit to AlgaeCal’s 5 Health Benefits of Collagen Infographic

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