The other day, I was having a conversation with some of my girlfriends about the topic of sex toys, and somehow, we came across the fact that sometimes men aren’t so into it.
I was taken by surprise because every man I’ve been with has never objected to me whipping out my sex toy box and choosing what to play with for our evening of kinky fun. But, to hear that some guys have attested in the past for her piqued my interest quite a bit and I decided to take my curiosities to the street to speak to some random guys about their feelings on the subject at hand.
I got very mixed feedback.
The first guy blatantly and outright said, “Hell no.” Another guy shared the same feeling and added the question of, “Why would she need me if she has that?”
One guy grew mildly interested when vibrators were introduced, and I noticed that pattern more and more as I talked to men closer to me in age. I came to a conclusion that, 1) yes, with age, some men are very set in their ways and sometimes irrevocably so, but that 2) it is not necessarily that guys aren’t open to it, but instead that maybe they haven’t been introduced to sex toys in the right way. So either way, it’s worth exploring together to see which category your guy fits into.
Ease them into sex toy land the right way and ensure him that the toys are for mutual pleasure and you can have whatever you like. Always.