Inspire to Be Inspired

5 tools for applying faith, work and economics in your life

By : Emma Alex

1.Personal Vision

Understanding your vision makes you appreciate your talent and comparative advantage. It helps you to discover your highest values, your Church Goods, family and the work you do to glorify God. Personal vision does many things in our lives like:

  • Giving us direction
  • Motivating us
  • Leading us in toward the right strategies giving us a purpose for living.

Personal vision defines Gods calling and what he intends to do with our lives. It should therefore always remind us why God chose us for redemption from sin. Unfortunately, there are many Christians who live empty lives away from their personal lives. In Proverbs 29:18, if you don’t have gods vision, we shall perish. We get tired of walking with God and therefore get demoralized and live a stupid life. Identifying and letting your imagination grow is consequently crucial in your Christian life.


  1. Gifts and Talents

Everyone should use his or her contributions to serve the others equally,(1st Peter 4:10). God gave us unique talents, abilities, and gifts. The central question is, do we put them into action or work? God gave us the responsibility of managing our gifts and talents by his will and desire. There some Christians who go to work with the thought that their abilities are meant to generate money only. This is wrong! The talents we have were given to us so that we can benefit the others. God’s character is our biblical virtue source. The Holy Spirit initiates godly virtues in believers.

3.Wisdom and Knowledge

It is easy to remember, collect and access information when you know but it’s possible to lack intelligence while you know. Someone may have the information and not know what to do with it. It’s likely for people with understanding to get the real meaning of information as they can ‘see through’ the why and how dynamics. People with wisdom make the right choice in deciding which principle is to be applied in a particular context.

It’s contradictory to have the understanding without the wisdom        (Proverbs 26:4-5). In any situation, God does not give one person the entire gift. It’s, therefore, our mandate to assist and cooperate with each other in to accomplish our gods calling mission more so in the vocational work. This is referred to as “knowledge problem” by economists. No group of individuals can have perfect knowledge of all the facts hence we should live by assisting each other.


Biblically, stewardship means fully utilizing the god given resources to the best we can specify to glorify his holy name. In steward relationships, we need to invest in others, grow then maximize love.(1st John 4) ” we love others because of the gods love in us,” these four points should be considered well-maximizing love in steward relationships.

  • Invest– maximum investment needs knowledge. You should create time that you will spend with your family, co-workers, friends, and neighbors since all upon them in times of trouble. Love cannot be maximized without making the initial investments.
  • Know yourself– there is no way you can give others something that you don’t have. God has given us different gifts hence one should know what to provide, for example you can use your hospitality gift to open children’ home who uses your teaching job to minister in your local church.
  • Follow Jesus Christ example– Jesus loved us when we were sinners. We should learn to love our neighbors with fierceness and tenderness just like Jesus.
  • Pray– when you pray for the Gods grace, you get wisdom, courage, and peace of mind. Prayer is the only direct communication method we can use to talk to God

5.Biblical self-interest

Greed can arise in a man’s fallen nature. This makes him satisfy his own needs and desire at the expense of the other people. Greed can be defined as having the intense desire of something. Many of the wealthy people in the world are rich not necessarily because they were greed, but because they were satisfied.

Greed vs. self-interest

There is a definite difference between selfishness and greed. Self-interest is the great willingness of doing something for the value of other people and not necessarily to benefit yourself.

What the bible function says about self-interest

The bible does not prohibit the selfishness legitimate. In Philippines 2: 4 it’s clear when Paul says that we should not work to benefit ourselves only but also to satisfy the other people.

While the bible has indicated that self-interest does not lead to the sin of greediness, the biblical self-interest functions well and contribute to the Gods community.

As Christians, we must ensure that we apply the above-discussed tools in our work to strengthen our faith and improve the economics of our lives.

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