Inspire to Be Inspired

Beware of the ” Dangerous Weapon ” … Your Tongue

By: A.D. 

Shut up! Watch your mouth! You need to wash your mouth out!

What do these familiar sayings have in common?  They all deal with the misuse of the tongue.  The bible says the tongue is a little member or (part) of our body that can cause us all kinds of problems.  If used incorrectly the tongue can cause much damage and land you into a lot of trouble.  Even when arrested the Po-Po, by law, has to read you your Miranda rights which states “You have the right to remain silent.  If you give up the right to remain silent, whatever you SAY can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

It goes on to talk about your right to an attorney, etc.  Hopefully you’ll never have to be read this but the law even knows how easy it is to harm yourself with the use of the tongue.  The tongue is a small part of our body but impossible to tame.  Read James 3 and notice the examples of the small objects that control things.  A small bridal in the mouth of a horse can aid in the direction of that enormous beast.  The little rudder on a ship can control that huge vessel when the captain turns the wheel. 

James says the tongue is also small and has a lot of power, influence and control over our lives. 

From God’s perspective we need to be careful when we open our mouths and speak words of wisdom that will edify others instead of degrading those whom God has created.  Learn how to use the tongue to help people instead of hurting them.

 James says we often use the tongue to bless God then turn around and use the same tongue to cuss out our brother.  Something is wrong with that picture.  This week, make an effort to think before you talk and if you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say nothing at all.  That’s Old School!!  Be Blessed.

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