The Culture Supplier – Marcus Gilmore
1. Write Down Your Wins
Make a list of your top 10 professional accomplishments from the past year. You can incorporate these “wins” into your resume the next time you spruce it up—employers love seeing descriptions of “accomplishments” as opposed to “duties.”
2. Congratulate Someone on His or Her Career Success
By celebrating others’ “wins,” you’ll reinforce the belief that you’re a positive, encouraging person—two qualities that are on every employer’s wish list!
3. Redesign Your Professional Materials
Order beautiful new business cards. And then, when that’s set, think about revamping your personal website.
4. Clean Out Your Inbox
Don’t just delete old emails and archive others. Take the next step and unsubscribe from mailing lists that waste your time.
5. Send a Thank You Note
Think of a colleague, manager, or mentor who helped or inspired you this past year, and let that person know you’re grateful for his or her assistance or inspiration. Sure, you could use email. But it would be better to use pen and paper. A handwritten note is a simple, classy way to make people feel special—and strengthen your professional network.
6. Read Up on How to Get Your Resume Close to Perfection
More specifically, read these 43 tips. They will only get you closer to getting that job you want. So, tweak your resume accordingly, or don’t be afraid to start over from scratch instead of building on one you’ve had for years.