Inspire to Be Inspired

Inspiration : Flying Requires Faith

By : A. D. 

I’m taking a flight today from Big D (Texas) to the great state of New York.  I needed some time off so I decided this trip would be all about me.  I got up early and drove to the airport, I checked my bags and I boarded the plane.  After I located my seat and we were preparing to take off, I realized I was about to lose something that had been very valuable to me in this pre-flight experience.  CONTROL.  That’s right.  “I” would no longer be in CONTROL.

As soon as the flight attendant closed the door to this Boeing 737, I realized I was no longer in CONTROL.  I would now have to put my trust in this flying tin can and the mysterious “Unseen Pilot.”  Just once before taking off I would like to see this person who’s expected to do his job to perfection and get us safely to our destination.  Ninety nine percent of the people on board do not have the knowledge or skill set to handle this powerful machine so we are totally dependent on this “Unseen Pilot.” 

Q.) How can we so easily trust this pilot to fly us high in the sky above the clouds, but so many people won’t trust God, who created the man, the sky, as well as the clouds he’s flying over.  People trust mankind to get them from Dallas to the Big Apple (NY) but many won’t trust God to get them to heaven.  Ephesians 2:8a says “For by grace are you saved, through faith”…  If we put our trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ at Calvary we can have eternal life.  Just believe that Jesus died, He was buried and He rose again on the third day and you can be saved.

Choose today to follow Christ.  Life is full of choices.  Putting your faith in God is a choice as well as choosing to get on a plane that you can’t fly is also a choice. 

Well, this pilot has reversed the throttle and dropped the flaps which means this big bird is coming down. I believe the true and living God, will once again give everyone on board traveling grace and bring us safely to our destination.  I thank my heavenly Father for watching over me and this “Unseen Pilot.”  Be Blessed! 

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