THE Sit Downs

Media Influencer with Marcus Gilmore of The Culture Supplier

by: fabdallasmagazine

Where are you from?

Desoto, Texas stand up! I went to Duncanville Highschool but you know I blame the border lines in the city.

Q: What is your mission?

My mission in life is to serve and deliver unique experiences to the culture. They say one of the best days in a man’s life is when he finds out his purpose on earth. The other days I believe are his birthday, meeting his wife, the birth of his children, and finding Christ.

Q: What is your brand? It is The Culture Supplier. This basically defines my mission.

Q: How did you come up with the concept?

MG: I think accepting who I was trying to become. I was once asked, “What do people come to you for”? Well, most of the time it’s information, things to do, concepts, mentorship, and connections. The first step was creating the website,which was developed out of filling a void, the second was developing thefollowing to influence people positively. I honestly feel like I will always be working on step two.

Q: What makes your brand unique?

MG: I am genuine and give without expecting things in return. But I also take shots at opportunities. I look at the guys whorun the CEO Millionaires brand. They shot, a lot of shots before something worked in their favor. They are genuine; they give to their followers and stand out among other brands without over doing it.

Q: How are you connecting and working with other people in the city?

I am always looking for puzzle pieces that I can help and that can help me. I have a variety of concepts, I am working on. Some have to deal with, community service; music, film and more. I haveexpanded in the different types of people I have worked with in and out of the state of Texas.


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