Facebook shows the importance of friendship—with a new product it’s been rolling out to users Thursday on the occasion of its 12th birthday, which it has dubbed “Friends Day.”
Facebook users around the world who’ve logged into the social site today have been greeted with a personalized “Friends Day” video, which they can watch, edit and share. The project was created by Facebook’s in-house agency, The Factory. Facebook is also releasing two sticker packs, free to download, called “Best Friends” and “Friendship.”
The company outlined its thoughts about friendship in a blog post:
“Today, February 4, marks Facebook’s 12th birthday. Each year we recognize this day as Friends Day and invite the world to celebrate and reflect on the importance of connecting. When people connect, powerful things happen and lives are changed. We see this on Facebook every day, whether it’s an exchange with an old friend that brings a smile to your face or a new connection that changes your life path, or even the world. To celebrate, we are releasing an updated degrees of separation statistic, highlighting inspiring stories about the power of friendship, and launching new products to further encourage our community to rally around their friends today.”