This year may not seem like a good time to go on a vacation, but half of all travelers think otherwise. A recent survey of almost 2,700 travelers revealed that 50 percent are planning a vacation this year. This isn’t as unsafe or as irresponsible as some people may think. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still insist that staying at home is the best method for avoiding contagion, they also provided a comprehensive safety travel guide.
Aside from maintaining your health and well-being you should also remember the practicality of your trip. Familiarize yourself with mistakes to avoid on weekend vacations.
Here are some missteps to prepare for when planning your trip.
- OverschedulingYour Days
After spending months indoors, it’s understandable you would want to race through a bunch of activities during your vacation. But this will only make you feel more stressed rather than relaxed. Imagine if you cram scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, fishing for mahi mahi on the Gold Coast, and exploring the Australian outback all in one week. You’d be too tired and too busy traveling to enjoy your vacation. Choose a handful of exerting activities and focus on enjoying them rather than burning out trying to have fun.
- Not Decompressing
Planning a vacation is tiring, but so is coming home from one. Don’t make the mistake of cramming vacation preparation after work or jumping back into your routine after coming home. Use a couple more vacation days to take time off before and after your trip. You can use the extra day before to go over your itinerary or double-check luggage and travel arrangements. You can unpack and relax the day after your vacation, so you don’t go back to work tired from the return trip.
- Underbudgeting Your Trip
Vacations are expensive. Aside from the cost of airfare and other travel arrangements, you also have to pay for accommodations and other necessities. There are also plenty of other costs like heavy luggage, entrance fees for attractions, and of course emergencies.
Always set aside cash for unexpected expenses and be thorough when you’re calculating the cost of your trip. You don’t want to be a begpacker, which is one of the worst travel trends to occur in the past five years. Underbudgeting can end up with you getting stranded in another country or worse.
- Going in Clueless
Do your research on your destination and itinerary before you go on your trip. Research will reveal the best and closes accommodations, letting you pick the most convenient place to stay. It could also show you what kind of weather to expect during that time of the year. Going to your vacation completely clueless about your destination is a great way to get lost, get scammed, and be inconvenienced by weather. You might also unintentionally offend locals if you’re ignorant of their customs and traditions.
- Overpacking
How many changes of clothes do you actually need during your three-day vacation? Are you sure you want to bring a lot of electronic devices? The temptation to pack something for every occasion is tremendous but it can also lead to a lot of headaches. For one thing, overpacking can lead to expensive fees at the airport. Too many bags will also be very difficult to transport from one place to another and take up valuable space in your room. The more things you bring, the more likely some of them can be damaged in transit or even lost during the trip. Pack only the essentials and buy situational items when you get to your destination.
6. Bringing Your Work-Life
Your vacation should be a time to rejuvenate yourself and replenish your energy. It’s a time for you to enjoy yourself and explore new things. It’s not the time to obsess over an upcoming presentation or worry about developments at the office. People in the United States have been conditioned to think vacations are for slackers.
Get over this harmful mentality and start enjoying yourself more during your vacations. Email everyone at work that you shouldn’t be reached unless it’s an emergency, and don’t read open any work-related account. Vacations are personal times, not office hours.
7. Relying on Your Credit Card Too Much
Going cashless is actually great idea during a vacation. With credit cards, you don’t have to worry about converting currency or wondering if you have enough money in your wallet. However, over relying on your credit card can lead to a financial time bomb waiting to explode. Carry a reasonable amount of cash with you and only use your credit card when its more convenient. This could prevent your credit card debt from ballooning and putting you into financial difficulty.
Vacations don’t have to complicated or problematic. With the right amount of preparation and common sense, you can enjoy your idyllic vacation without a hitch.