
Jobs That Make a Difference in the World

If you’ve been thinking about switching your career in the near future or want a more fulfilling life, you may want to consider a job that allows you to make a difference in the world. Contributing to solving the world’s problems and preparing the next generation are extremely important, and there are job roles that are dedicated to the betterment of humanity.


It’s arguable that every job, no matter what it is, has some kind of impact on the world and will make it a better place. However, we’ve decided to focus on a couple of the most world-changing and community-changing jobs that can have a serious impact on the way you live your life, but also on the lives of people around you.

Science and research

Most STEM-related career choices are fantastic for making a difference in the world. If you’d love to contribute to the future with your knowledge, then becoming a part of a science or research–related workplace is a great opportunity to take.


Whether it’s teaching skills over the internet or becoming a professor at a college, there are plenty of ways to spread your knowledge and educate the next generation. Teaching is a fantastic way to make a difference in the world and is one of the most popular choices thanks to the challenge it offers and the flexible working conditions.

Medical professions

Working as a medical field is a fantastic way to make a difference in the world. Below, we’ve included an infographic that talks about nurse practitioners and the role they have in improving the quality of care in hospitals and clinics.


Infographic: Bradley University

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