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Chick-fil-A is beating competitors with ‘please’ and ‘thank you’

Source: Yahoo News

The secret to Chick-fil-A’s success is as simple as saying “please” and “thank you.”

The chicken chain is statistically the most polite chain in the restaurant business, according to a QSR Magazine’s annual drive-thru report released on Monday.

Employees at Chick-fil-A were the most likely of the 15 chains surveyed to say “please” and “thank you,” and to smile at drive-thru customers. Chick-fil-A workers were also as the second most likely to have a “pleasant demeanor,” only topped by the up-and-coming fast-food chain PDQ.

According to the report, Chick-fil-A employees said “thank you” in 95.2% of drive-thru encounters, based on data from nearly 2,000 visits to 15 restaurant chains.

For comparison, KFC had a “thank you” rate of 84.9%. McDonald’s rate was 78.4%, putting it in 14th place out of the 15 chains analyzed.

“It’s all about speed and accuracy, but we know our customers appreciate that we can be nice while being fast and accurate,” Mark Moraitakis, senior director of hospitality and service design, told QSR. “Eye contact and smiling go a long way in the drive-thru experience.”

chick fil a

(@chickfila on Instagram)

Chick-fil-A has taken pains to make its drive-thru strategy as customer-friendly as possible, reports QSR. The chain has dedicated drive-thru teams, made up of compatible Chick-fil-A employees, and sends employees with tablets out to the drive-thru lane to take orders when lines begin to form.

While small pleasantries are easy to dismiss in the multi-billion dollar restaurant business, these little things have played a key role in setting Chick-fil-A apart from the competition.


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