Event Recaps & Press Release

[WATCH] SSII Fashion Show Recap And The Bar is Set High

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Charles Smith II Facebook Post about his latest show :

“Thank you to everyone who took time out of there evening to spend it with me. So many people I have to thank for making my visions a reality. BREDA Watches for there sponsoring and hospitality is greatly appreciated. Makeup Artists Unleashed who provided such creativity in styling every models hair and make up details that were truly sublime and a dream. Thank you also toCircuit12 Contemporary for there sponsoring contribution, love and support of my dream and vision and being an advocate for forward creative thinkers. Also The Dragonfly Agency for supplying half my roster of amazingly swanlike beautiful models who represented my vision to the fullest and for always being there and having my back since day 1, I love you all truly. My brother my right hand Brian Bounthongla for being there with me since day 1 going through my ups and downs with me and continuing to invest and believe in the right now and the future of what I’m set out to do on this planet while we are here, I love you so much. To my content visual capturer of my life journey Marty Olivo, thank you for answering my 4a.m. radical phone calls and just instantly going with it with me, I am proud to call you a friend a soldier out here going to battle with me and fighting for our visions and tackling them shits many plans at a time. My man and hundred grand stylistWillie Johnson and Catrina thank you all for being my other side nd other brains when I’m not around and keeping the organized chaos controlled, I couldn’t do it without you and I’m so appreciative for you believing in me before Day 1 even come and you continued support motivates me everyday to work hard for us and continuing to fight for this dream, I love you all. And to my behind the scenes graphic creator, even tho we have been through a lot I am truly grateful that we have been able to remain friends and having your love and support to my visions and work and understanding my ideas and having the trust with out words is something hard to find and as a team we just work so thank you and I love you dearly Erika Leshon Oliver. And my boy providing the vibes Austin Shooknite, let’s keep synergizing the world one time at a time. And to my uncle KB GodsChild and his security team for holding it down through all the madness of the day I appreciate you all so much, thank you a million times. ” 

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