Health and Wellness

5 Natural Ways to Help Yourself Relax After a Long Work Week

Written by: Maggie Bloom

Are you having trouble relaxing after a long and hectic work week? This is a problem that is shared by all too many of your peers. Relaxation is more than simply being able to lie still. In this article, we’ll list a few easy and cost-effective ways to help you get the full relaxation your mind and body truly deserve.

1. Be Still and Take a Deep Breath

Learning how to truly relax shouldn’t be so hard. Yet, all too many people have no clue as to how to go about it. One of the best ways to begin a complete relaxation is simply to find a comfy spot, stand completely still, close your eyes, and take a deep breath.

You will be amazed at what this simple exercise will do for you. We’re not going to go on a long sales spiel about the virtues of deep meditation. You don’t need to send yourself down any sort of metaphysical rabbit hole. Just breathe deep, focus on your breathing, and slowly but surely bring yourself to a state of complete calm.

2. Enjoy a Relaxing Bubble Bath

Are you the kind of person who normally makes do with a 5 minute “in and out” shower? Make an exception this week with a relaxing bubble bath. A quality session of bubbles and suds may be the occasion for happiness that your life has been missing out on. It may be the occasion to cleanse both your body and your mental palate.

Just being able to relax and enjoy the sensation may have an amazing effect on both your body and your psyche. There are many ways you can prepare your bath, from normal bath cubes to CBD bath bombs, so don’t be afraid to experiment. This is one bathing experience your body will truly thank you for.

3. Relax Your Head Beneath Your Heart

Are you tired of wearing your heart on your sleeve all week long? Why not give it a much-needed rest? Have you ever tried to put your head beneath your heart? Believe it or not, many mental and physical wellness experts recommend this quick and very simple exercise.

All you will need to do is put your head between your knees. You can also try to stand and then let your head hang down with your arms pointing to your toes. Putting your head below your heart for a moment has a positive effect on your autonomic nervous system. It can help lessen the tension and stress that you have been suffering from.

4. Give Yourself a Simple Distraction from Your Cares

One of the most interesting and effective things that you can do to relax is to give yourself a challenging mental distraction. As an example, you may try to say your ABC’s backward. The effort that this simple exercise requires may be enough to get you to relax.

The rub here is easy enough to spot. By focusing on a simple task like counting sheep for a while, you are giving your brain something new – and something else – to do besides worrying over your upcoming efficiency review. You can count sheep or say your ABC’s until these worrying thoughts are simply shoved out of the way.

5. Give Yourself a Mini Foot Massage

You can use a softball, tennis ball, or any kind of ball to give yourself an impromptu foot massage. Grab the ball of your choice and roll it gently under your feet. Pay special attention to the area that lies under your arches.

Plan for a few strategic pauses here and there. These will be your cues to apply more gentle pressure when you find a tender spot that seems to need an extra amount of attention.

Following the suggestions listed above is a great way to relax, unwind, and give your body and mind the care they deserve. After all, this is the one life we have proof of so you may as well enjoy it to the fullest. The more deeply and completely you relax, the more ready you’ll be for your busy week to come.


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