Source : @markhachman
Since Microsoft rolled out Windows 10 at the end of last July, the company has been busy adding features to the code. Cumulatively, these additions and tweaks have produced the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. (Read our Anniversary Update review here.)
We’ve played around with Insider builds for the last year, enduring some of the early bugs and enjoying the discovery of some of the more obscure features. Not all of these features are specific to the Anniversary Update code, per se, but they’re all relatively new. Likewise, these features aren’t “hidden” in the sense that you need to edit the registry to find them.
Still, these are the features that are not being heavily promoted within the Anniversary Update—like, say, Windows Ink. You might know about them; you might not. But these are the kind of hidden gems I’ve really enjoyed using, and think that you will, too.