
How King Bach Built A Million Dollar Career From Vine


We often hear about social media’s power to destroy. From messy breakups to overindulgent or overly provocative posts that unveil your insecurities, test your self-esteem or rob you of your productivity, it’s easy to label digital platforms as the culprit of our complications. But like with everything in life there’s balance, and in the case of social media, it lies within its power to create. It has enabled many to bypass the middleman and turn a “no” into a “yes” by proving that there’s a market for what is being offered, and those social media stars who chose to use it for good have witnessed how moments can be monetized at simply a click of a button.

For Andrew “King Bach” Bachelor, social media not only gave him a voice, it gave him control—turning a fresh out of college grad into a well-paid content king in a matter of months.

In just six seconds he has amassed 2.2 million loops and counting on his latest Vine post. It’s titled “Superman’s girlfriend’s new hairstyle,” and is a comedic spin on the comic book character’s supposed kryptonite: his girlfriend’s new neon green tresses that sends him into a series of convulsions.


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