Written by: Willa Anderson
App development agencies with a lot of experience make sure that they update their mobile applications regularly. However, new business owners often avoid spending money on updating the apps created by their development partners. These people can’t see the bigger picture because they can’t comprehend the importance of updating a smartphone application that helps them to reach their clients. This topic will elucidate why business owners should never shy away from updating their apps.
So, you’re a business owner who chose to invest in the development of a mobile app. You should be proud of yourself because you gave your company that much-needed boost. Now, you’re thinking that you can sit back and relax while the app does its magic. After all, the purpose of the app is to help you gain more customers, increase your market share, and provide insights.
In reality, if you think that your job is over, then you would make a grave mistake. You actually just pushed the ball to roll downhill. The problem is that the slanted surface isn’t smooth. It’s full of small stones and large boulders that will stop your progress. Specialists of iPhone App Development say that a mobile app remains popular as long as it’s new. If you don’t release updates consistently, then it will cease to retain its novelty and relevance.
Now you’re probably wondering how often you should update the app and the main points of consideration that require your attention. Well, you will find the information that you need on this topic.
Frequency of updates
Once your business launches an iPhone App, you should shift your focus immediately to updating. The development cycle of an app is generally recursive and continuous. According to surveyors, more than 38% of companies attempt to update their apps every month. On the other hand, around 45%[1] businesses consider updating their app every 2 to 6 months. So, when’s the right time to update your application?
The truth is that there is no “magic figure” that you can rely on when it comes to updates. They are necessary to sustain the app’s usability so that it can engage your users. Nevertheless, the update frequency does depend on several factors, including the objectives of your business and the functionality of the app itself.
For instance, Facebook, the most popular social media platform asks its users to update the app every few weeks. It might sound unusual to you, but it isn’t so. The Best Android Apps and iOS Apps release around 1 to 4 updates every month. These apps are too popular, and so the companies can ask their clients legitimately to stick with such a rigorous update schedule.
Then again, your business may not be able to add more features to your app frequently. Apart from that, you shouldn’t put out a new version of the old app just for the sake of it. In doing so, you will waste money, effort, and time. The three main factors that should dictate the update frequency of your app include data, feedback, and the size of your team.
Your budget also plays a crucial role in the frequency of app updates. Businesses may have to spend somewhere between 10 and 30% of the original development expenses on updates. Most of the experts out there narrow it down to 20%[2].
The necessity
- Keeping users happy: Now you want to know why you should dedicate your time and spend your hard-earned money on creating updates for your app. The first reason is to keep your users happy and content.
Even if you spend a lot of time and effort in developing your app, testing it, and focus groups, your users will give valuable feedback on the ways that you employ to improve it. When your app performs perfectly, you will receive positive reviews.
Your users will inform you about what they like and what they don’t about the app. You need to be smart and pay attention to their feedback. Since there is always room for improvement, you should prioritize the reviews.
- Fix bugs: Even the best mobile app development company can create an app with bugs. Feedback provided by the users will point them out to you. Every app has bugs in it, so you shouldn’t feel ashamed of it. After all, it has too many variables to deal with. Naturally, it’s almost impossible to avoid all issues.
The important thing is to address them as early as you can. If you can fix the problems quickly, then your users will stick with you. If you avoid the issues and leave your app as it is, then users will inevitably abandon you. No business organization can survive in a competitive market without the support of its clients, customers, and users.
- Make inconspicuous tweaks: Tweaking an app subtly to enhance its performance is entirely different from fixing bugs. Small business development can get a massive boost if you change things inconspicuously. These minor alterations will address momentary instabilities and annoyances.
For instance, if any section takes too long to load, or if the images vary in size, then small changes can fix the issue. Sometimes, these “nearly invisible” changes are so effective that users won’t even know that you made them, especially if they keep the auto-update system on.
- Staying on the same level as technological enhancements: Small Business Ideas that include the use of an app need to keep up with ever-changing technology. In doing so, your business will be able to be on the same page with hardware and software advancements.
Such an urgent update will become mandatory if the user updates his/her mobile device’s operating system. Updating the OS can lead to major issues regarding an app’s interface and functionality.
Hence, you should keep tabs on updates that address the utilities of other apps that your interface collaborates with. These changes can prompt the requirement for an update from your end to ensure that it maintains its compatibility.
Maintaining relevance
Finally, if you want to see your app in the list of the best mobile apps in 2020, then you must maintain its relevance. Did you know that an app update can work as a marketing tool? Users often give up on specific applications due to their busy lifestyles. That’s why even some of the best apps often lose the race. You mustn’t forget the fact that your app will compete against thousands of others. The only way to stay relevant is to resort to an effective marketing approach. When you release updates regularly, you will gain more attention from your users.
[1] https://themanifest.com/app-development/why-marketing-critical-mobile-app-success
Authors Bio
At the center, Moon Technolabs Pvt Ltd – mobile app development company is driven by the vision, sharpness and flourished under the leadership quality led by none other than the founder & CEO: Mr. Jayanti Katariya. Managing requirements and serving productive results to entrepreneurs.