Culture Supplier News

[Culture News] Dallas-Producer’s Arrest Starts Freedom Chant During SXSW by WeCopWatch

Dallas-producer’s arrest starts Freedom chant during SXSW

Check it out at 1:17

Peaceful Protest and WeCopWatch have collaborated on a 10-day campaign during the SXSW event going on in Austin, TX this week.

During their 5th day, they caught Dallas producer Lrd Svn (@milkmansvn) being arrested for reasons unknown.
Peaceful, compliant, and handcuffed; Six AustinPD  escorted Lrd Svn through the streets.

A crowd quickly followed behind chanting “Freedom!”

However things turned left quick when a citizen tried to take a picture of the Dallas producer and was tackled to the ground and held down by 4 officers while repeatedly being kneed in the side.

Just got out of jail in Austin and ran into to squad so its lit

A photo posted by @milkmansvn on


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