Health and Wellness

3 Reasons Why You Need A Dentist And Not Google

By: Pooria Shahin |

A lot of people nowadays consider going to the doctor’s clinic a waste of money. Primarily because they knew they have other sources of information that can be for free and less intimidating than letting a doctor see their confidential medical history.

The internet became a solution to those who can’t afford to go to the doctor because of their financial situation, and those who simply can’t afford to have another doctor because they don’t want to talk about their health situation.

Google is the biggest search engine in the world and it had been a home to business people and experts of various fields to share their knowledge and help people all over the world get the answers and solutions to all of their needs. Although Google may be great for researching How to Find the Best Cosmetic Dentist, you’re always better off talking to the professionals in person, on the phone, or via online chat. 

Although the intention of these professionals who contribute meaningful content online is good for the welfare of many, there are unavoidable circumstances where their content are copied and misinterpreted by someone who also contributes online. This is because the web is a free domain and content host and anyone can create their own site anytime and anywhere- had they felt there is a need to do so.

Because of this, although there are still a number of reliable sites, there are still times where someone without the right knowledge and authority writes content that either gets picked up easily by search engines such as Google, which then becomes basis of people’s self-diagnosis.

The ease of access to medical information made people become their own doctors and aides, and although there is no significant information that can prove increased mortality rate for having self-diagnosis because studies are still ongoing, we can safely say that there is a significant relationship between the health condition of people and the occurrence of their clinic visits.

Dentistry is one of the most affected medical field from the rise of the number of dentists who publish content online. And even if people consider teeth, gum and mouth issues trifles compared to bigger issues like organ malfunction, there is still a good reason why you need to see a dentist rather than consult Google.

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