By: Cathy Scarlett |
The New Year comes with renewed resolve to be better and to achieve more. One of the most common resolutions people make all over the world is to be healthier and fit. Sadly, most people do not even get to the end of January without slipping back to their usual unhealthy lifestyles.
Having an elaborate plan on how to achieve your fitness goals is only the first step. You must be sufficiently motivated and focused to stay on course and achieve the goal. The journey has never been easy and many have veered off the path. That is why you will need these 9 Fitness hacks to stay on course towards a better life in 2017:
Develop the right habits
Keeping fit is not just a matter of starting but staying on course. To do so, one must be able to develop sustainable habits that will enable them to maintain a lifestyle of fitness. Poor eating habits like junking must be traded for healthy ones like eating more nutritious foods.
Exercise habits and routines must also be developed to complement the healthy diet. Simple routines can involve anything from ordinary bodyweight squats to exercising on a pull up bar at home.
Make your workouts shorter
With the current developments in the working environment, time is now becoming a rapidly diminishing resource. Most people are finding even less time to go to the gym due to busy work schedules. However, there is no cause for alarm. With high intensity workouts, even 10-15 minute workouts can achieve just as much as 60 minutes of gym time. A workout on a pull bar in home walls or doors can be an intense workout for your arm muscles to enhance upper body strength.
App up
It is difficult to ignore the impact of applications in the world of fitness. Research has revealed that fitness apps have been effective in keeping users active. You would be amazed at the variety of apps available to keep you updated with your fitness goals. There are calorie count apps that can help you monitor your calorie intake. Other apps can help you in specific exercise routines tailored for the muscles and body parts that you want to exercise.
Tweak your workouts regularly
Having a single workout routine can be very boring. In fact, having the same exercise routine can be lethargic enough to slow you down from achieving your fitness goals. A regular tweak to your exercise routine will give you the change you need to stay interested in achieving your fitness goals for 2017. You can also keep it exciting by taking a deserved break from your normal routines. Change is often just as good as a rest.
More water
2017 should definitely be the year of drinking more water. There are numerous health benefits of drinking water.
However, you should also consider engaging in more water aerobics this year. The therapeutic nature of water makes it the ideal workout tool. Water aerobics can help you enhance your muscular abilities by creating the necessary resistance for a good workout.
The cool nature of water relieves the body and joints of stress and pressure, eventually reducing blood pressure. Water-based workouts can be done by anyone and are an ideal choice for people from all walks of life.
Leave the gym
If you are planning to make 2017 your epic fitness year, then you should be ready to leave the gym. Gym workouts can be fun, but a change from the usual is always welcome. Going for a run in the beautiful sunshine, fresh air and beautiful outdoor views is a good change from the usual surroundings of the gym. You can also sign up for an obstacle race or a marathon for a good cause.
Have a workout playlist
Music has a great effect in keeping you psyched during your workout. It is best to develop a playlist that lasts as long as your workout. You can have various playlists for workouts of different time lengths. This keeps your focus uninterrupted so that you can give your all to the workout.
Your digestive system processes foods and sometimes this process releases toxins. These toxins need to be done away with by the body to keep you healthy. In recent days, we have seen more people becoming interested in detox programs like juicing. If you have not thought about doing a detox, then 2017 is the year to do it.
Update your workouts on Social media
The power of social media cannot be underestimated. Research has established that those who regularly update their fitness progress on social media have a higher chance of staying on course with their fitness goals than those who do not. Your followers and friends can keep you accountable.
If you do not want to fall off the bandwagon in 2017, then you will need the great hacks mentioned above to keep you motivated to attain your fitness goals. A great attitude will go a long way in keeping you on course, and you can rest assured of a wonderful fit year ahead of you.