Girlfriends of Culture

[Girlfriends of Culture] 4 Reasons Why You Need a Strategy to Conquer Your Week

Written : Alexandria Traylor –

Create a Structure 

By creating structure, you will be able to anticipate what to expect when entering your work week. This can assist in reducing your levels of stress. You are able to create multiple back up plans in the case that something goes array by knowing what to expect. For example, on the third workout day it rains. Establish a backup workout that you can do in your home. Thus, you aren’t free-balling everyday of every week which can be extremely chaotic.

Easily Replicable 

Just like with experiments & conducting research, you will be able to attain similar results time and time again. Your life will not only have a distinct flow, but you will also become extremely proficient in completing the tasks that you have set out for yourself each week. When you decide to take a vacation, you can easily pick back up from where you left off. In a way, you have automated your life. You have set expected actions in motion and can pick up quickly if you miss a step in planning.

Devote Designated Days 

Take time out to set aside certain days each week to complete certain tasks. For example, Each Sunday, complete your laundry for the upcoming week. Grocery shop for your meals every Monday. Check your personal business email every Tuesday and Friday. Purchase a life planner with a monthly, weekly, and daily view calendar. This way you are able to see your responsibilities from a glance in different formats.

Avoid Mental Burnout

Assign a realistic time frame to each task and stick to it. Ensure to incorporate rest periods throughout your week. For you to be the most productive, you have to set aside specific time to complete a task then allow yourself to rest. Don’t fault yourself for resting because you feel unproductive. Rest is productive because it allows you to have time to recharge and gear up for the next task.

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