Inspire to Be Inspired

3 Essential Skills to Thrive in the 21st Century #TEDTalk


What skills do we need to develop in the 21st Century to stay relevant? Competitive? Or even just stay in the loop? What skills will our children need? The turn of the century is bringing with it the Information Age. The challenge? We live and learn based on an education and skills system designed to feed the needs of an industrial society. In what is now a post-industrial society we need new skills to live and work. Alan Berkson lays out three essential skills necessary to thrive in this Information Age.

Alan Berkson is one of the world’s oldest digital natives, having started out programming punch cards at the age of 13 in 1978. His career has spanned a large portion of the Information Revolution and he was an early adopter of social and digital media. Through his popular blog and speaking engagements he has shared his insights on digital media and what he calls pervasive communications and their impact on how we communicate, work and learn.

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