Inspire to Be Inspired

How Living with Art Can Change Your Life

Written by: Amanda Jerelyn

“Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.” – Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society.

Over the years, technology has changed a lot of things. Technology has become an ideal norm in people’s lifestyle, has paved its way in every aspect of our lives. However, many people will argue that it has taken away certain things from us because of the drastic changes it brought. People say that technology has made us more cynical, codependent, and anti-social. So to counter such arguments, we suggest that you don’t indulge in healthy breaks from technology and its negative implications.

Art is not only a creative exercise if you are an artist, but it is a getaway for many people who appreciate art and collect art pieces. People who have incorporated art in their lives in any way find deeper meaning through the art pieces they own and find it life-changing. Art is not confined to museum walls anymore. From abstract to nature and other contemporary art forms like minimalistic designs can do a lot more than just decorate your walls.

So let’s find out some way art can be life-changing for you too!

7 Ways Living with Art will Change Your Life

Here we have listed seven great ways art can be life-changing once you incorporate it into your everyday life and lifestyle.

1.     An Escape from the Everyday Notions of Life

Art acts as a tranquil escape from the everyday notions of life. Just as we described earlier, technology takes up most of our attention span and keeps us an occupied majority of the time. It can help you make a quick escape from your rigorous and tiring routine if you have an art wall in your hallway, living room, or even in your workspace. Art allows you to indulge in whatever dimension the art piece showcases as your interest.

2.     Art Is Medicine For The Mind

Whether art is creative, inspiring, minimalistic, or thought-provoking acts as a medicine for the mind. It heals your negative in-born thoughts and helps your think out of the box. Many times we don’t tend to realize how strict we can be with the rules surrounding us, our work ethic, deadlines, and the general ongoing ways of life. Art helps us to break free from these chains that bind us and indulge in a free state of thought. This is why many people find art therapeutic and often like to meditate in an environment that boasts art pieces.

3.     It Boosts Your Productivity

We suggest that if you are responsible for designing your own space or even if your work desk for that matter, try adding some art. Compared to empty spaces or dull and boring work desks, filling these with art can be empowering. According to research, people exposed to art, show15% more productivity rate than people who tend to work in a primary environment. When you consider these statistics, it can be observed that being present in a place where art is in sight can make it more attractive and add an element of fun to it. People would want to work in such areas compared to a basic and boring workspace.

4.     Art Can Be Incredibly Inspirational

Art can be deeply inspiring. It has been known for centuries that many famous artists used to make inspired art and then use the same art for inspiration for the other. Many artists today are inspired by different modes of art to create their own. And it is not necessary that art only encourages you to create art. It can inspire you to write, work, be positive, study, or find a different path of life and many other things that might just be lacking that final push that you can derive from art.

5.     Surrounding Yourself With Colors Can Make You Happy

There is a reason why places like schools, media offices, and studio galleries are filled with colors. Colors have a psychological effect on the human brain that makes us release endorphins and, in turn, feel happy. Art is all about incorporating color in creative ways, and integrating colorful art in your lifestyle can work as a significant mood booster. Not only will it make you happy and positive, but even give that necessary pop of color to your home or work environment that otherwise was missing. Therefore, surrounding yourself with colorful art is a must-have.

6.     Helps You Reflect On Things

As we discussed earlier, art can be inspirational. Thus it is only understandable that it helps you reflect on this for it to be that way. Art can give you positive and happy vibes and calming energy that our rapid lifestyle otherwise doesn’t allow. If you think about it, there are not that many instances where you just sit down to reflect upon a situation. Art allows you those brief or prolongs moments to gather your thoughts, undertake a fleeting moment, or just have a moment to yourself.

7.     Find Art Pieces That Speak To You

It doesn’t matter if it means that we hang inspirational calligraphy on a wall, put a miniature sculpture on our shelves, or just go through an art catalog, art can be moving. It is essential to find art that is not only aesthetically pleasing but speaks to you on an intellectual, emotional, or a deeper level than just being pleasing to the eye.


All in all, art sustains life. People may not realize it, but art is present in every culture, religion, and lifestyle. It is a skill that has kept us growing ever since our great ancestors incorporated it in our lives, and we will continue to develop until the end of time.

Author Bio: Amanda Jerelyn is currently working as a Lifestyle Blogger at Assignment Assistance. She is an art lover and collector for many years now. She owns some of the original works of renowned artists and has them decorated in her home. She likes to share her experience with art through blogs.

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