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Flourish Like Flotus: 3 Takeaways from the DNC Speech

Written By : Alexandria Traylor |

First lady Michelle Obama has been the ultimate example of black girl magic for the entire nation for a little more than eight years now. She has given us examples of unconditional love, support, and boss ass-ness. She has exuded time and time again love the citizens of not only this nation but the world. She has been a strong support system for her husband President Obama and a backbone for her growing daughters. She has also implemented and spear-headed multiple national initiatives. So of course when she speaks, the world stops and listens. This year’s Democratic was no different. Our first lady’s speech was nothing less than powerful, eloquent, and awe-inspiring all in the same token. She went from professionally going in on Donald Trump to reminding us that all people were created equal.


Become Legacy Minded

“ … the president is about one thing and one thing only

– it’s about leaving something better for our kids.”


When establishing a brand or business who do you have in mind? Do not be so enthralled with the minute details and head over hills with merely being visible to countless others that you forget the true purpose that you began. Our duty while on earth is to leave a legacy for those who come after us and fill our shoes. It should be our hope that the shoes we do have are hand-crafted and molded specifically for our posterity. Once we touch another person’s life, we ought to want to leave it in a much better condition than what we found it in. There are multiple ways to invest in your legacy. Become a person that inspires hope and change. Continually pour affirmations and pray nothing but good things for those whom you love as well as completes strangers. Invest in your business, or a start-up that you know, in hopes to pass your ownership down to your children. Create your own brand or business in order to pass it on or show your children how to start one of their own. So, “don’t chase fame or fortune”. Instead, “fight to give everyone a chance to succeed”.


Just Because You Didn’t Win Doesn’t Mean That You Lost

“And when she didn’t win the nomination…Hilary did not pack up and go home.

 Hilary know that this is much bigger than her own desires and disappointments.”


All failures shouldn’t be considered failures. A failure is only a failure if you choose not to continue moving forward. If you halt progression or give up hope, then you have failed. A loss should be a considered a new opportunity and be used to your advantage. Now you know exactly what does not work. Now you know how not to conduct business or what formula will not be responsive with your audience. It is time to dig in deeper, recreate revamp and renew. Our first lady stated that although Hilary did not receive the position that she was seeking, yet she channeled all her energy into the position she received as secretary of state. Just because you did not reach your desired destination does not mean that is not where you are meant to be. Perhaps you were meant to create and impact in the situation that you are in. It is also possible that you can still learn more in order to prepare you for the future that you desire to have.


What to Do in A Crisis

“We listen to each other. We lean on each other. Because we are always stronger together.”


During tough times or a full blown crisis, what do you find is your initial reaction? Many of us panic, allow fear to come over us or take off in a full blown sprint in the opposite direction. Stop. Take a deep breath and analyze your situation. First Lady Michelle teaches us that our instinct should be to buckle down and lean in towards each other. A crisis is a great opportunity to look around and see who truly stands for you. Seek guidance from someone who has already been in your shoes. When you see that life has taken a toll on someone else be that rock for them. There is no need to try to revamp someone’s entire personality or “make them great”. Instead make sure to build upon the traits that they already have. You are always stronger with a support system.

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