Girlfriends of Culture

Compilation Letters to FLOTUS Reveals “The Meaning of Michelle”

Though the Obamas’ time in the White House is coming to a close, their supporters will continue to remember them long after their candidacy is over. And while President Barack Obama will undoubtedly be remembered, MAKER and FLOTUSMichelle Obama has a legacy all her own that will continue to inspire.

In fact, “The Meaning of Michelle: 16 Writers on the Iconic First Lady and How Her Journey Inspires Our Own,” a book edited by Veronica Chambers, features letters from 16 writers about how Michelle Obama’s journey as first lady impacted and inspired them.

According to News One, the featured pieces are written by “16 of our most celebrated writers, essayists, artists and cultural shape shifters including Ava DuVernay, Benilde Little, Damon Young, Alicia Hall Moran and Jason Moran, Brittney Cooper, Ylonda Gault Caviness, Chirlane McCray, Cathi Hanauer, Tiffany Dufu, Tanisha Forde, Marcus Samuelsson, Sarah Lewis, Phillipa Soo, Rebecca Carroll, and Roxane Gay.”

Read more of the letters >>>

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