Actor-comedian Kevin Hart, surrounded by family, friends and colleagues, indeed received the 2,591st star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday (Oct. 10), four days before the release of his stand-up comedy film, “Kevin Hart: What Now?”
“Please don’t pee on my star for at least a month,” Hart told the crowd during his emotional acceptance speech. His wife Eniko Parrish, his children Hendrix and Heaven Hart, and their mother Torrei Hart were all on hand for the occasion.
Hart choked up when he thanked his longtime manager, Dave Becky. He explained that their professional relationship was sealed with a handshake, not a contract.
“I love you dude, I love everything that you’ve done for your boy,” Hart said, looking at Becky through tears. “I’m standing up here as a successful family man because of you. You helped me get here, Dave, and I love you.”