Health and Wellness

Covid-19: What You Must do for Your Elderly Relatives

The coronavirus pandemic is one of the most terrifying situations witnessed and experienced globally since WWII.  Unprecedented actions, rules and regulations have dramatically changed our lives whilst we battle this awful, contagious, respiratory disease.

The very fact that it is so incredibly contagious has meant that steps and measures taken have mostly affected our extremely vulnerable community such as the elderly.  Our elderly relatives are usually the ones we check in on most and all of a sudden, we no longer can. It’s hard. But it’s necessary. 

There are ways to help, without putting them in danger and showing you care. 


Arrange for their shopping and vital medications to be dropped to their door.  There are countless home delivery outlets still operating at this time, which should ease any burden on doing this yourself, for example, if you are a hospital worker and have very little time.  

Should your relative live in a residential or nursing home, still think about having treats delivered where you can. This doesn’t have to be food or sweet treats, think postcards, DVDs, flowers. These all matter right now, regardless of how small the gesture. 


Some of our elderly relatives may need to visit a bank in order to draw money for items such as wood logs to fuel the stove or to top up the electricity meter. Assist by running the chore for them where you can, so as not to add pressure on them to venture outside. Perhaps now is the time to finally introduce your loved ones to internet banking so they can take care of bills electronically. Additionally, look into any benefits that they may be able to claim, there has been talk and questions currently floating around like will seniors get a coronavirus check? The elderly may struggle with the internet and so finding this information themselves may prove difficult.  


Stay vocally active via the telephone. Sometimes all our elderly loved ones want to hear is a friendly familiar voice. Take two minutes to drop a quick call to Aunt Pat each day, it will give them something to look forward to. Why not use that time to task them to something each day so you can talk about how it went, knowing that each day they have done something productive, stimulating their mental or physical health. These days, technology allows video calling which is not difficult to teach a senior how to use. Let them physically see your smile as well as hear it, you will brighten their day as much as your own. Why not try going back to basics and write a good old fashioned letter.

Stay vocally active via the telephone. Sometimes all our elderly loved ones want to hear is a friendly familiar voice. Take two minutes to drop a quick call to Aunt Pat each day, it will give them something to look forward to. Why not use that time to task them to something each day so you can talk about how it went, knowing that each day they have done something productive, stimulating their mental or physical health. These days, technology allows video calling which is not difficult to teach a senior how to use. Or may be inspire them to be creative, you may ask them to create a beautiful life story with old photos and videos, they can use a digital life story template to make it more beautiful. Let them physically see your smile as well as hear it, you will brighten their day as much as your own. Why not try going back to basics and write a good old fashioned letter.

What we must not do, is limit these to our own elderly relatives, but think about senior citizens in the community on the whole. They may not have a family support network so now is a greater time than ever to find out who needs our help. Put both your youth and health to good use and become a hero of the coronavirus pandemic, look out for our elderly.

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