Health and Wellness

Steps To A Healthy Pregnancy

Taking care of yourself through your pregnancy will help you to give your growing baby the best possible start. Getting regular exercise, eating a well-balanced diet, and keeping on top of your antenatal appointments will all help you to have a healthy pregnancy. 

Let’s learn more about the simple steps you can take below: 

See Doctor Straight Away 

As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, it is important for you to yourself registered for antenatal care. Organizing your care early means you’ll get the right advice for a healthy pregnancy right from the start. You will also have plenty of time to organize your diary for scans and tests that you may need. You also have more time to think about questions you may want to ask such as if they have access to a wireless ultrasound or what birthing options you have. 

Eat Well

If you weren’t before you got pregnant, it’s important for you to make changes to your diet and start eating a balanced diet whenever you can. This means including fruit, vegetables, grains, protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and dairy. You should also make sure you are drinking plenty of water, if not more water than normal. Make sure you do some research about the foods you should be avoided when pregnant. 

Take A Supplement

It’s critical for you and your growing baby to take folic acid and vitamin D supplements throughout your pregnancy, if you have a high body mass index (BMI) you may need to take more prescribed by a doctor. Even if you are eating a healthy and balanced diet, you will need to take these. If you are trying for a baby, you should be taking folic acid and for the first three months of pregnancy. You may also want to consider looking at other prenatal multivitamins when you are trying to conceive. 

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise has many benefits for you and your baby. Doing gentle exercise, helps your body to cope with changes to your body such as your posture and strains on your joints. It also helps you to stay at a healthy weight during your pregnancy, it can be very easy to let it get out of control. It also helps to protect you from compilations like high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. If you were really active before pregnancy it’s best to talk through with your doctor about what you can continue to do during your pregnancy. 

Start Doing Pelvic Floor Exercises

These are the set of muscles that support your bladder, vagina, and back passage. They can feel weaker than normal during pregnancy because they have extra pressure on them. Pregnancy muscle can also lead to your pelvic floor muscles to slacken and soften slightly.

Weak pelvic floor muscles can lead to an increased risk of developing stress incontinence. This is why you can leak wee when you laugh, exercise, or sneeze. 

These are five important steps to take to ensure you are being healthy for your pregnancy. Are you trying for a baby or expecting soon? What health tips have you been looking at? 

Women may experience postpartum gas, feeling bloated, and constipation frequently before and after pregnancy. If it becomes too uncomfortable and disrupts your everyday life, scheduling a consultation with your health-care provider is a good idea. Ask about taking probiotics supplements <> that help with digestion and bowel movements and lifestyle changes you can make to alleviate your symptoms.


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