By: Mianna Korben
Experience and history have shown that the times change with the upbringing of the next generation. This is why it’s not surprising at all that millennials are reshaping the world and society we live in. Corporate culture is a prime example of that. More and more, we see articles online how millennials are ruining this and that, but the truth is, they’re simply bringing new and innovative ideas to the market. Each generation has their own beliefs and ideas, and hopefully, these will contribute to the greater good.
1. Collaboration
Though frequently labelled as the generation of individualists, millennials actually value the benefits of collaboration a lot. This is why corporations are introducing team projects and pushing employees to socialize more and more. What’s more, they’re encouraging employees to come up with new group projects themselves.
Working in heterogeneous groups leaves more room for innovation and allows everyone to develop certain skills. Aside from that, involving employees in wellness or social activities at work will also count as collaborating. It creates a sense of community and belonging- something millennials value greatly. This is why work is no longer a solemn environment where each employee is sitting in their own cubicle, minding their own business.
2. Feedback is essential
Baby boomers seem to be content with doing their jobs and going home. On the other hand, the younger generation is more involved and concerned about how they’re doing. This is why the practice of feedback is surfacing in the corporate world. Be it constructive criticism or a pat on the back, millennials will want to hear what their boss has to say.
All of this is in the spirit of self-improvement, as millennials also tend to believe it’s up to them to keep their skills up to date.
3. More diversity
If you want to impress a generation enthralled with new experiences and different cultures, you’ll have an elaborate and versatile diversity and inclusion programme in your firm. Religion, race, and strict cultural identity don’t play a major part in the life of an average millennial. Exposure to new things and travelling are now recognized as things that make us grow and develop our characters. Companies will, therefore, how to adjust to meet these needs.
Of course, there are no real rules on how cultural programmes should be run. Some ideas include employee exchange programmes, where corporations can hold positions open in various branches around the world. This will allow employees to travel, do their job exceptionally well, but also learn new things, experience new cultures, and come back happier and more inspired than ever.
4. A work-life balance is important
No longer are long and hard hours at the office considered appealing. Statistics have shown that millennials would rather work in a friendly and stress-free environment, even for the sake of a bigger paycheck. This has inspired many companies to research new methods on keeping employees happy. In the same respect, it’s pushed them to see their workers as individuals with needs, not just tireless robots.
In the same spirit, millennials seem to be more conscious of their time and the environment around them. There is less and less need for company cars, as millennials would rather cycle to work by choosing environmentally friendly vehicles. After all, durable and quality bicycles are better for their health and for the world. It also means they get to blow off some steam and use each moment of the day productively. Finally, this approach saves a lot of money in the long run, allowing them to choose the workplaces better for their mental health with almost no consequences on their finances.
5. Social responsibility
In the old days, no one really seemed to care what their firm was doing and what kind of causes it was supporting as long as they had a well-paid job. Millennials are changing this attitude and practice by continually choosing to work for companies which support the important causes our society faces. This means that if firms want a skilled and devote workforce, they have to contribute to the real issues society faces.
Millennials successfully recognize that there is strength in corporations. Instead of using them to make more money, they’re redirecting the goal and developing a sense of social responsibility. Working with charities and contributing to the fixing of climate change are just two examples of the kind of issues millennials are passionate about.
No matter what the media and the older generation might say, it’s factual that millennials are making the world a better place. With more health and eco-conscious attitudes and decisions, they’re slowly reshaping the way we function in the corporate world. The bright young people of the world won’t put up with anything less than what they deserve, and this will surely have an influence on how employers run business.