Culture Supplier News

Daughter’s Fight for Mother Ends Victoriously


POTUS Pardon: Life After

On a previous story, we highlighted Sharanda Jones’ powerful story on her daughter’s petition helping Sharanda be freed from prison after serving 17 years of her sentence of life without parole for a non-violent crime.
Sharanda  finally reunited with her daughter, Clenesha, outside of prison walls this past April when Obama granted her clemency in December following the over 279,000 signatures she received from the petition.
The support didn’t stop after she was granted freedom, because in two months over $25,000 was raised to assist her in adjusting to life after incarceration.
“…no one had to do anything, and it’s by the grace of God that I sit here today. I feel like a walking miracle.”
Sharanda has recently released a video through thanking all her supporters and God for allowing this dream to come true.
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