By: Stella Lincoln
“Single moms: You are a doctor, a teacher, a nurse, a maid, a cook, a referee, a heroine, a provider, a defender, a protector, a true Superwoman. Wear your cape proudly.”
Mandy Hale
Without a doubt, being a single mother is one of the biggest hardships of life. Either, it is your choice or not; you have to suffer practically.
According to the American Psychological Association,
‘About 40 to 50 percent of marriages end in divorce in the USA.’
Going through a divorce is a trauma in itself, and when it is coupled with the responsibility of children, it becomes tough to deal with it. It is quite challenging to take care of your child and look for financial assets alongside.
Blogging is the most helpful and convenient way for a single mother to adopt in such circumstances. It can ultimately assist you financially and provides you an option with being a stay-at-home earner. Following are some tips and tactics to master your responsibilities being a single mother and a blogger.
1- Increase Your Stamina
Being a single mother means that you are doing the work alone which was supposed to be done by two people. Needless to say, you are going to work more than a happily married mother.
- Make your mind to work hard. Once you make your mind for something, then execution becomes easier. You can write much better if you are clear and tough with your thinking.
- Though multitasking will be adopted as a part of the routine for a single mother but creating the balance in work will be key.
2- Time Management
Time management is indispensable to multitasking. You have to maneuver your time very sharply. Powerful women are ones who can master the art of time management can learn anything.
- We do so many unimportant things and end up trashing out time with zero productivity. Why do we do so? Well mostly because we are doing things for the sake of formality. You got to learn to say no to nonsense.
- While you sideline yourself from things which mean nothing to you, make sure you don’t overlook important features of your life.
- Carry your writing material with you. Look for inspiration to work, and start blogging whenever you get some.
3- Find Your Passion
You might be able to write about too many things. However, it is not recommended to start blogging about all of them. Think through to find out your passion and focus only upon that.
4- Invest In Passion
Being passionate about something and being informed about something are two different things. Please don’t start your blogs about whatever you are passionate about until you supplement it with sufficient information. Where will you get the time to do that? Few multitasking techniques will do the job.
- Reading a book can be difficult because you have to maintain a posture while doing do that. Consider audios instead. You can always listen while doing decent physical work.
- Don’t travel without books. So do check your bag before leaving the house.
- Keep a diary. This is mandatory. Ideas come and go in a split of seconds so make sure you don’t miss out on any of those for your blogs. Sometimes you have time but, you don’t know what to write about. So this diary will never make you run out of ideas.
5- Set Up Professional Blogs
Once you are done with the above two steps, start writing your professional blogs.
- Your blog name should be simple.
- It should be unique and effective to enage more readers.
Coming up with a professional blog in the beginning could be difficult task. Or If you think your writing skills are not that good to take blogging professionally or you need it to proofread by experts, well there are online tools available to take care of this part. There are so many of them. Some of them are mentioned below.
- WritingOcean
This resource could provide you with multiple helpful links on your category. If you are in search for grammar rules, you will get several websites. If you need assistance related to poetry, get different resources on this website. - Grammarly
Grammarly is one of the most efficient tool in order to get rid of grammatical errors. It also let you know if there is any plagiarism or not. - WordCountJet
It is a handy tool to take care of the length of sentences as well as paragraphs. It also enables you check characters to create useful keywords of desired character length.
It will enable you to write easygoing and smooth sentences. It can be accessed online or you can also download its desktop app. It allows to write smooth and flawless.
- AcademistHelp
This tool let you work with experts and professionals in the relative field. They can assist you with editing and revision in your work and could guide you through your tough phases in the writing. - Guide2Write
Guide2write allows you to improve your writing skills. You can analyze different writing pieces and can learn a lot. It gives knowledge about different types of writing practices.
Undoubtedly, it is the best proofreading tools around. You can get your written piece rechecked with in no time with experts.
This could help you add proper referencing to your context resulting in improved authenticity of the blog. Citation is considered as a vital part of any writing piece. Now, you do not need to care about it.
6- Get Traffic
Every grocer’s boy knows that getting traffic is the ultimate thing but how to do that?
- Wise Usage Of Social Media
- Take one social media platform at a time. Using multiple social media tools can be difficult to engage with initially.
- Be real to your followers. They are like your sub-family. Being loyal to them will make it easier to trust your content.
- Connecting With Mom Bloggers
All successful single mother bloggers had a tough beginning. They are most likely to understand your hardship and will try to help you. If you manage to impress them who knows they might also end up working with you in the future.
Author Bio:
Stella Lincoln is a blogger academic advisor. She writes at EducatorHouse on Education, Management and Entrepreneurship. She also provides assistance to art students at CrowdWriter. Being an art lover, she often conducts several seminars in the University of California on Arts and Culture to provoke its importance in undergraduates.