We sat down with the talented 15 year old Malachi Wright, who has taken Twitter by storm with his creative art that crosses a variety of pop culture! (Migos/Simpsons Crossover Pictured Above)
TCS: Where are you originally from ?
Malachi Wright : I am from Dixmoor, Illinois – A small town in the Chicago area.

TCS: What creative space do you develop your current art work in?
MW: My home is my creative space for now. Even thought my inspiration comes from places outside of my home, this is where I do majority of my creating now .

TCS: How do you feel your followers receive your art work?
MW: My followers gives positive on the work that I put out . I appreciate it and encourage feedback and ideas from my followers.
TCS: Describe what culture means to you?
MW: Its simple . Its is the appreciation of who you came from.
(The Fresh Prince of Martin)

TCS: Where can our readers find you on social media to follow your work ?
MW: You can purchase my work on Shopify and you can follow me on Twitter