Inspire to Be Inspired

Cleaning Up Your Act: Making A Better You For 2017

It’s the classic, isn’t it? New year; new you!


While it’s a shame we have to wait for a direct milestone to change our lifestyles, it’s also the perfect launching pad for our new goals.


If you’ve had a bad year, for whatever reason, it’s time to change that and now is the time to change. 2017 is the building block of your future. 2017 is going to be your year of wellness.


Now, you’ve got to understand that the gym is going to be clogged at this time of year – that doesn’t mean you can get away with not exercising though! Going for a jog or even doing simple sit-ups and push-ups are going to do a world of difference for your fitness. Then, when the gyms start to open up and there are spaces, you’ll be able to make the best of your new subscription and be able to hit the ground running in time for the spring. Try not to find excuses not to exercise though.

As for food, you don’t need to make a huge switch. Going vegan or vegetarian will help your health, but if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. However you should try and limit the amount of bad foods you’re consuming – meaning processed foods – as they are a definite cancer risk and will take their toll on your health eventually. If you do want to make the change to a cruelty-free diet, there are plenty of ways to get started and there is a never ending source of information at your finger-tips. The choice is yours, and everyone can find ways to improve their diet. A good starting point will be to limit your portions and go from there.

It’s not just about food though. Substances get many people through the day, but these are addictive and in many cases, harmful. If you have an issue with over-consumption, it might be time to address that and move forward with your life. Treatment for substance use disorders is widely available and there is no end to the help that you can receive, you just need to admit the issue. It’s embarrassing, but it’s better than a life of addiction and bowing to forces lesser than yourself.


Our minds are as important as our bodies and it’s a good idea to keep them looked after. Stress and mental illness can take their toll, so it’s important to find time throughout the day to decompress and relax. If we let things beat us, they will – so it’s important to recharge the batteries of our minds, sit down and take a step back once in every so long.


There are many different ways to take care of our bodies, the most important aspect of it all is to actually care for ourselves. Dedicated evenings and weekend to self-care in some form is important and shouldn’t be neglected. Make some positive changes and win at 2017.


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