Inspire to Be Inspired

It Goes Down in the DM ( Dura Mater )

What Exactly Goes Down in the DM

When I refer to DM, I am talking about your Dura Mater. The human brain is arguably the most important organ in the body. The Bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue. I’d like to think that success and failure are in the power of the mind.

Eliminate Limiting Thoughts

There are five levels in Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs. The highest level that can be attained is called self-actualization. Self-actualization is all about reaching your ultimate potential. The level directly below is labeled Esteem. This means that there is no way can be your absolute best self without believing in your own innate talents. Your power is manifested from the Holy Spirit. If God created everything good, then so are you. Doubting yourself is an insult. You’re literally slapping Him in the face and saying “No, Lord what you created isn’t good enough to accomplish your purpose.”

Examine Your Priorities

Think about what you choose to devote your life to. Examine what drives and consumes your time. Do you spend four to seven hours on social media per day like most of America? You can’t recycle wasted time, effort, or energy. Choose to spend time pouring into yourself, mentally, spiritually, and physically. The decades of your 20’s and 30’s are called your prime for a reason. You are in a state of preparation for the remaining 50 – 60 years of your life. Choices you make within these two decades alone have the potential to make or break your family life, finances, and overall health.

Enlighten Others

You were not given a dream, purpose, or vision for your individual gain. There is no way you can be successful without the support of others. Don’t be selfish with your purpose. God didn’t give you a gift to hide it no bury it. Share all that you have with others and see what you receive in return come back ten-fold. There are numerous ways that you can enlighten other people. Be a mentor or give back to your community. There is always a way to share the knowledge and wisdom that you have learned with others.

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